with Cat Philp
Personal branding...the subject that’s at the forefront of every marketer's minds. We often ask ourselves if we should be building a personal brand and if we’re confident enough.
One person who took the leap is Cat Philp, the 20 year old and Young Entrepreneur of The Year, 2022. Cat founded Pivot, a Personal Branding Agency in April 2021 and is now on its way to 6-figures and an E-learning platform for people starting out who want to do the same.
She has been building her personal brand around authenticity and humanised marketing, with over 6 million monthly views on LinkedIn and a digital audience of over 85,000 across platforms, gaining 5-10 inbound leads from her personal brand EVERY week. She is a speaker and working hard to make a sustainable and positive impact on the education sector and in leadership.
Cat joined us to share her knowledge on the power of personal branding and how it can massively boost sales, return on investment (ROI) and where to start with building your own. We covered: