with Lisa Eaton and Charlie Nettle
Without marketing most businesses would die. Yet recent research from the CIM suggests that a third of marketers struggle to explain their role to others, meaning marketing continues to be undervalued and misunderstood.
Here I talk to Charlie Nettle about changing this uncertain narrative around marketing.
In 2020, Charlie founded This is Marketing, a campaign driven by the aim to ensure that marketing is recognised and valued for the professional discipline it is and that we as marketers get the credit we deserve for keeping businesses alive.
By addressing this challenge and empowering businesses with the knowledge of how valuable marketing is, organisations will invest more in marketing to deliver value for their customers, unlocking growth for themselves and the economy.
And this all starts with us “the marketer” it is our job to spread the word on the value we bring and why it’s so important.
In this FREE webinar, we share tips and advice on how to change the narrative from marketing as a “nice to have” to marketing as a core business function - allowing you to unlock budgets, get buy in from your senior team and make a big impact throughout your career.